Author Archive


  “Why”, you keep asking…


The Needy one

Hi friends, You know that you can always count on me to go straight to the point (without beating around the bush) right?



It’s funny how every time I disobey my husband (decide to do things my own way) in the slightest things, things never go according to my plan 🙁 Today’s post is for those who are married…(and for the singles who want to...


The Barbie and Ken Syndrome

What’s the Barvie and Ken syndrome? (I just made up this name)



Today we will talk about a golden rule:


Looking for something that doesn’t exist…

It’s quite common to hear: “I am still looking for the one that will make me happy”…


Many ask me what I did to find the right partner and today I will tell you my “secret”…which it’s not really a “secret” but a recipe. If you wish to follow it, you are welcome:


5 things husbands want from their wives…

Dear friends, Today we will go straight to the point: Here goes 5 tips that will make a difference in your relationship:


You are not getting married!!

Throughout my years of advising singles, I noticed that they all have something in common: they are all seeking to find the “perfect” partner. The requirements and demands are such that honestly…between you and I, it’s ...

Young couple with rose, outdoors

Have you lost it?

To have someone is amazing. If you think of how your life was before you met your other half and how it is today… I am by no means saying that life is meaningless before this person came along. No. It’s just that when y...