Posts Tagged ‘love’

Nanda Bezerra

40-Day Challenge – Day 1

Today is a new beginning to all of us who will be taking part in this challenge. If you really put into practice everything we will be talking about in these videos, you will never be the same again… A new better you awai...


I want to be a pastor’s wife…

I have a dream of becoming a pastor’s wife, but in my church, there are more who have this dream, and they keep saying that I don’t have a calling. They say I don’t seem like a pastor’s wife. They exclude me from the ch...

21-Day Fast: Day 18

Mrs Nanda Bezerra, I know it’s not right to think that you have to be perfect to receive the Holy Spirit, but I still think like that… For this reason, receiving the Holy Spirit seems an impossible or very difficult...

21-Day Fast: Day 17

Here we go with another important step for all of us to take:)