

  To forget is never easy. However, forgiving is essential so your life may move forward. I lost count of how many people come to us as victims of some sort of betrayal. Some do say that they want to carry on in that relat...

Cleaning the bathroom

Hi everyone. Last week, we talked about organising the bathroom. Today I will share my tips on keeping the bathroom clean. Let’s see, shall we? Cleaning After showering, take a minute to wipe down the tub and taps with a ...

She only had a few days of life left…

I received this message from a friend and would like to share! I hope this message helps you … Neide came home after a medical appointment and told the family: – I asked my doctor to tell me frankly what was my heal...

Are you ready to leave singleness behind?

Fears, insecurities, immaturity, disappointments, independence and much more … If all this are taking up a huge space inside you, then you are not ready to leave the single life. In fact, you dont even realize you need it...

Organisation tips: bathroom

Hi everyone. I’d like to share some tips on how to organise and clean the bathroom. Actually, I’ve just done that! 🙂 It’s sparkling! Well, I will talk about organisation first: BATHROOM Organising Group like thin...


Hello friends, I want to talk about something that affects many women (and men too, ok?). It’s “fantasy”. Unfortunately this happens to many women. Sometimes, a simple gesture of kindness or a caring act makes her think t...

Looking around…

You look around and see nobody interesting. You look again and a couple passes by you holding hands. You turn your head and see another couple kissing and think involuntarily, “It will never happen to me.” This is the probl...

The man of your dreams…

Hi, girls. Today I’d like to talk about something that, no matter how much we talk about it, many still haven’t realised it yet. Do you know that idea of finding the man of your dreams, in other words, the perfect...

How do you see yourself?

Another day I was in the service and my husband was talking about evil eyes and needless is to say that when we hear about this subject, the spiritual torch lights up so we may look at ourselves as to weather we are having evil...

She wanted to kill me!

Today I’ll tell you just one of my many embarrassing moments. I don’t know if you are like this, but over the years I’ve made many silly mistakes! There are so many that I could write a book about them. That’s it! I...