Author Archive

Style of the Week


How about you?

Justin and Carly got married when they were both only 17 years old. They lived in harmony. They feared the Word and led a life that glorified the name of their God. Carly was always very careful about their health, and so she t...



I was looking at some pictures, and they bring back so many good memories, sometimes they even comfort us when we are missing someone. Maybe this is why we like to have picture frames all over the house, at least that’s...


Life in 3D

“My God, Nanda, you don’t know what happened!” The desperation in my mother’s voice made my heart beat faster. “What happened, Mum?” I asked as I prepared myself to hear bad news… “The baker didn’t show up tod...


Style of the Week



So, you are dating and your whole life revolves around this relationship. You no longer call your friends, or even try to fit them in your schedule, because all that matters in your world is this relationship. You practically s...


Who you are – Dedicated to all women

Dear friend, there are billions of people in the world, and each one has a different DNA, that is, God was careful to make us unique! When God calls us, nothing can stop us. There is no reason why you should feel inferior or ...


The court or the altar?

“I want to serve on the altar.” Many of the emails I receive have this sentence. Now let’s reason together on what’s wrong with it, shall we? When you have maid, who chooses what she will do: you or the maid...


When you lost control…

Anxiety is a feeling that has many roots, and because I have been watching and monitoring myself, I’ve noticed it. There are things we do when we are feeling anxious that we don’t even notice, and one of them is actually ve...


She only had a few days of life left…

I received this message from a friend and would like to share! I hope this message helps you … Neide came home after a medical appointment and told the family: – I asked my doctor to tell me frankly what was my heal...