Author Archive


The other day I was with a group of friends when the teasing began, and someone became the centre of attention… “The other day she went quickly to the car park and lost her bank card. It happens all the time, LOL!&#...


Is it allowed?

Dating is a difficult phase, isn’t it? There are so many questions in your mind… Does he really love me? Is he the right person for me? Do I have a future with him? Is it going to turn out ok? With so much competition o...


Feeling far from God?

“I feel far from God. I don’t know what else to do. It seems I have no strength for anything. I don’t pray, I don’t read my Bible, and hardly ever go to church. I feel weak, sad, and depressed. Help me.” Friends, it i...


Be careful with arrogance

This is the transcript of an actual radio conversation between a US naval ship and Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995.  The Americans kindly asked: “Please divert your course 15 degrees t...


The Feast of Tabernacles in London

The great day had finally arrived and I could not wait to enter the building of Kilburn UCKG where the Feast of the Tabernacles awaited me! From the moment I stepped into that building, a sense of excitement overwhelmed me. The...


I feel sad and lonely. Can you help me?

In today’s post, I’ll answer a question a reader has sent me. 🙂 Dear Nanda, I would like to get something off my chest. There is a great fight going on inside of me. I’ve been in the church since I was little. I...


Around the bonfire…

One night, sitting around the bonfire, were an old Cherokee and his grandson. The wise man was trying to explain to the boy, in a simple and easy way, about the battle that goes on inside people. He said, “There is a b...


Styles of the Week


Just a small spider

One day, a man was being chased by several robbers who wanted to kill him. The man ran and took a shortcut into the woods and, in desperation, he said a prayer to God that went like this: “God Almighty, send two angels from h...


Style of the week