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To be single…


53 years old, 14 kids and do you know what…?

She is a size 8!


My style- the rule of 3

This is the only way I am able to wear skinny jeans without feeling uncomfortable. Notice that black is nowhere near ☺ And the shirt disguises what needs to be hidden LOL


My style

I am going to tell you something; I am not an expert on fashion but this past year I underwent a metamorphosis in relation to this.


My 27 qualities

There are people who are not able to see their own mistakes and this impedes them to grow, change and become better. As a result, they never change… There are others, however, who seem to use magnifying lenses on themselves t...


From the streets to becoming a little princess…

This is Mimi. She showed up in the church and didn’t want to leave, and so she got adopted… She became a little princess. She is beautiful and very intelligent, but she thinks she is a dog, LOL!!!


The Love School in London

It will be double the dose! Last Saturday, we had the Love School in English for the first time in London, and this coming Saturday we will have it in Portuguese!


Hello Nanda! I’m very happy for having faced the “40 Day Challenge for Becoming a Lovelier Woman.”


Love is gardening…

Many people deceive themselves thinking that love is a feeling, merely an emotion, which is why they suffer the consequences when that emotion, that isn’t love, passes.


Your island…

There was a man who was born and spent all his life on a tropical island and, just like his family, he ended up working in the tourism industry.